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- MCM301 Assignment no 2 Fall 2012 full Solution
Posted by : Anonymous
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Semester “Fall 2012”
“Communication Skills (MCM301)”
Assignment 2 Marks: 15
Assignment Topic
How To Effectively Convey Disappointing News In A Letter
To provide students with the opportunity to apply the concepts regarding elements of
effective writing to the routine life communication.
To develop the analytical thinking and writing skills among students
In your professional life, you will face a variety of situations when you will have to write a letter
to communicate any disappointing news to your receiver. In such situations, your success will
depend on how successfully you write the refusal in an innocuous way.
Suppose you are a film producer and produced spectacular films on different social issues
prevailing in our society. You have received an invitation for a workshop from XYZ University.
This University arranges the workshop on Film production for its students of mass
communication yearly and invites the same producer to deliver a special lecture on it.
Unfortunately, you are unable to attend the workshop this year due to your other professional
Your task is to:
· Write a letter of refusal to that invitation by keeping in mind the elements of effective
written communication.
“Communication Skills (MCM301)”
Assignment 2 Marks: 15
Assignment Topic
How To Effectively Convey Disappointing News In A Letter
To provide students with the opportunity to apply the concepts regarding elements of
effective writing to the routine life communication.
To develop the analytical thinking and writing skills among students
In your professional life, you will face a variety of situations when you will have to write a letter
to communicate any disappointing news to your receiver. In such situations, your success will
depend on how successfully you write the refusal in an innocuous way.
Suppose you are a film producer and produced spectacular films on different social issues
prevailing in our society. You have received an invitation for a workshop from XYZ University.
This University arranges the workshop on Film production for its students of mass
communication yearly and invites the same producer to deliver a special lecture on it.
Unfortunately, you are unable to attend the workshop this year due to your other professional
Your task is to:
· Write a letter of refusal to that invitation by keeping in mind the elements of effective
written communication.