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- MobiQuiz vu online project Spring 2013
Posted by : Anonymous
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Call 0345 7069321
Examination is the most common assessment and evaluation technique in educational
institutes. There can be many types of exams questions e.g. multiple choice,
true/false, matching, short answer, essay, and oral etc.
In normal conventional practices these exams are conducted on paper and
marked by the teacher manually which makes it time consuming and full of
expected human error.
With the use of computer and internet, exam procedure has been automated.
Now teachers prepare question paper online, which is presented to the students on
their computer systems for solution. Students attempt the questions and submit
the answers online which is marked by the teacher and the results of the exams
are published online. The limitation that arises during this process is the scarcity
of resources (computer systems).
The solution of this problem is to utilize the mobiles phone technology.
Now a days, each student has mobile with them in their classes. One can present
MCQ paper to the students through GSM mobile using SMS facility.
Stake Holders
Stakeholders of this system are:
- Administrator
- Faculty Member
- Students
User Requirements
Core features of this application are
Administrator Interface will provide the following features:
- User Management (Add,
Edit, Delete, Block/Unblock and List View of Users)
- Faculty Management
(Add, Edit, Delete, Block/Unblock and List View of Faculty Members)
- Course Management
(Add, Edit, Delete, Block/Unblock and List View of Courses)
- Student Management
(Add, Edit, Delete, Block/Unblock and List View of Students)
- Assign Course(s) of
degree program to the faculty members in particular semester
- Add new Semester in
the application
- Degree program
management: (Add, Edit, Delete, Block/Unblock and List View of Degree
- Enroll/add students
to the course in particular semester of degree program.
Faculty Member Interface will provide the following features
- Create questions
relevant to the subject and on lecture based.
- Create Quiz by using
existing questions.
- Set flag with each
quiz to restrict student access to the Quiz.
- View questions and
students given answer.
- Initialize checking
process of particular quiz of the course.
- View students result
in a list form.
- Publish result to the
students. Result will be published in student’s account and SMS will also
be sent to the students.
Student’s interface will provide the following features
- View grade book and
current registered courses.
- View history of Quiz
and results.
- Student can login
using its mobile or online interface.
- Student can send
request to start paper using SMS. (GSM mobile will be used for this
- Students can answer
MCQs using SMS. (GSM mobile will be
used for this feature.)
- System will use
Student’s mobile number and password (which will be provided in SMS) to
validate and to open the session with the user.
- We will use web
browser for all features mentioned above except those with which it is
explicitly mentioned that this functionality will be performed using GSM
We are here to help each other and other group related activities for MIT 1st Semester Spring 2013.
CS201 Introduction to Programming
CS601 Data Communication
ENG201 Business and Technical English Writing
MGT101 Financial Accounting
MGT301 Principles of Marketing
MGT503 Principles of Management