Posted by : Anonymous Sunday, 20 January 2013

“Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.

“Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.” Everyday we need to make judgments. We need to judge whether or not it is safe to pull out into the traffic or whether or not we should allow our children to go someplace or do something they have never done before. Those kind of judgments based on reasoning are intended to keep us safe and on the path we have chosen. It is when we judge others whom we are merely observing and have no direct impact on our own lives that we put ourselves at risk of hampering our own growth as a person because we are putting too much emphasis on what others appear to be rather than on areas where we need to change ourselves.

I believe that people shouldn’t assume how others are. Based on their appearance or looks that they make. As the old saying states- don’t judge a book by its cover. Everyday we see new people and automatically make assumptions of them. Which is very unnecessary. As I get older, I learned that everything is not what it seems. Therefore not everyone is what they look to be. For instants, we might see a white male dressed in all black with a bunch of tattoos/piercings and carrying around a music player obtained with loud rock music, automatically someone would make an assumption that he’s the rock star type that slacks, and just doesn’t care or shows emotion. or say that your riding through a low-income neighborhood and spots a black male standing on the corner, dressed in baggy clothing, while smoking an cigarette. Automatically people would assume that he’s a “thug” or low life.

Those two men may just look that way because that’s what must satisfies them, yet in reality their personality may be a totally different way from what it seems to be. In my opinion, when people make assumptions of others before getting to know them, it shows how very stereotypic they are. They need a break from TV. Not all the time the assumptions that people make are negative. Example, just because a female is very pretty, and dressed nicely, doesn’t mean she’s a very kind person. That’s what TV leads us to think sometimes.

When I was younger, I used to believe that when people put things in their socks, such as money, they were up to something not good. Reasoning, that’s what I seen on TV. But as I grow up, I realized that I believing that was very silly. Especially because I seen an old lady doing it before. Whoa.

To sum it all up,

Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.

Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances
There is a story of a couple that moved to a new neighborhood. Each day for weeks the woman would look out her window and comment on how the neighbor didn’t know how to do the laundry right. She was hanging dirty clothes on her line. This went on day after day with the same comments about how the woman next door didn’t know how to get her laundry clean. Then one morning it changed. The woman looked out her window and exclaimed, “Finally, she figured out how to get her clothes clean!” Then she wondered out loud to her husband about what could have changed. Her husband said, “She didn’t change anything. I just went out and washed our windows.”

Wayne Dyer said, “Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.” Everyday we need to make judgments. We need to judge whether or not it is safe to pull out into the traffic or whether or not we should allow our children to go someplace or do something they have never done before. Those kind of judgments based on reasoning are intended to keep us safe and on the path we have chosen. It is when we judge others whom we are merely observing and have no direct impact on our own lives that we put ourselves at risk of hampering our own growth as a person because we are putting too much emphasis on what others appear to be rather than on areas where we need to change ourselves.

Absolutely we do judge people on how they look
The older I get, the more I realize how wrong my perceptions were about people and events in my past. For instance, when I was young, I thought we were the poorest of the poor in our small town and that everyone was looking down on us. I discovered recently, thanks to my brother who went back for a visit, that most of the people that lived there were just as poor as we were. Had I known then what I know now, I wouldn’t have been so quick to judge and would have made more of an effort to tame my errant ego. What I know now is that you can’t really see inside someone else’s heart.
having the ability to overlook material wealth,and seeing beyond the physical must be such a peaceful place to be...away from the rat race

however to judge someone according to their circumstances/appearance seems to be unfair
udgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Two people could meet a person, and walk away with completely different perceptions of that person. Why? Sadly it’s because they judged the person differently, and we all do it, we judge people throughout our lives. Some people try to make it okay by saying they have an opinion about someone, and I would love it if someone could explain the difference between having an opinion about someone
and judging someone….
Personally I would love to see people the way God sees them. God sees beyond the physical, he sees the spiritual, and I believe we are all good spiritually, it’s our ego’s that hide our goodness. (The ego tricks us into believing it is protecting us from harm…) Sadly, we all fall for the trick. But more about that another time.
"We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.

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There is an old proverb…"Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances." What is really being said here is that oftentimes we judge others before we get a chance to know them. We expect our values and beliefs to be found in those around us and then condemn them when they don't live up to our expectations.
In today's workplace, it is more important than ever that we set aside our prejudices and pre-conceived notions, and look for the attributes and qualities in people that are key for success on our team and in our organization. It can no longer only be about age or experience in a field or career. Now, more than ever, we must focus our sights on willingness to learn and the effort applied to that goal. We must realize that those who may make the biggest impact on our business, and ultimately our future, are those who break free of the age-old restriction of "this is the way it has always been done" and seek new, innovative solutions to our business needs

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